Australopithecus afarensis paleoart
Scientific name: Australopithecus afarensis
Family: Hominidae
Epoch: Pliocene
Size: 1,1 m tall
Location: Ethiopia (Africa)
Our “Lucy” reconstruction , the 3.5 million year old Australopithecus afarensis.
Made from a replica of the fossil specimen’s skull. “Lucy” became world famous when her remains (approximately 40%) were discovered in Ethiopia in 1974.
She was a 20 year old female, weighing 27 kg, 110 cm tall and had given birth to several offspring. She walked upright and was recently fitted with some very simple stone tools.
She was particularly notable for being the best preserved Australopithecus discovered to date. This made it possible to prove that the ability to walk upright, like modern humans, was much earlier than the growth of the brain.
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