Learn about the works on extinct fauna created by SALVATORE Paleoart.

Full-scale reconstruction of Inostrancevia

In this section you will find everything related to paleoart, our specialty.

The works that can be seen below are a sample of works carried out on commission. These works are unique, that is, they are made by hand with all the updated paleontological information available and are not clones of a mold.

The process begins with the study of the organism to be reconstructed. To do this we resort to paleontological publications published by the scientific community. On the other hand, it is compared with its phylogenetically closest living relatives, because it will provide us with approximate notions about its way of life, behavior, anatomy, locomotion…

Using full-scale templates of the skeleton or replicas of it, we began to give volume to what would be a first sketch of the body.

This first sketch is refined, adjusted and detailed until it matches the measurements and proportions of the animal to be reconstructed. From this moment on, texturing is done, adding details such as nails, teeth, etc.

Once sculpted, the animal’s fur, feathers or protofeathers are added if it has them.

We finish with the color scheme, which except in very specific cases, is unknown and depends on the art of the paleoartist.

Despite the lack of data on appearance, a speculative approximation can be made based on known data. These data may be, for example, the range of colours that their habitat would have according to paleobotanical, paleoclimatic or paleoecological data from the same site.

The organism to be reconstructed can be requested with the reconstruction of its habitat, which is also faithfully recreated in its time and location. Do not hesitate to request a quote without obligation by email: