Learn more about the spectacular work process of SALVATORE Paleoart.
Paleoart is the artistic expression of paleontology.
It is the representation of living beings that are known by their indications in the fossil record.
These traces may be parts of the being itself or traces of its biological activity, preserved in the substrate where they have lain for thousands or millions of years.
After their discovery and study, paleontologists obtain valuable information that is expanded, revised and published over the years. This allows us to have an idea about the appearance of the living being that made them, its biology, way of life…
Our reconstructions of extinct animals are at the forefront of the latest discoveries. This is crucial for the correctness of the reconstructions as we find ourselves in the “golden age” of paleontological discoveries.
Week after week, impressive discoveries are published that rewrite our concept of their appearance, way of life or anatomical characteristics.
The artistic part of all this is taking that scientific information and creating the appearance of a living being, taking into account that not everything is in the fossils.
The posture, the interaction reflected between reconstructions in the same diorama, are other aspects that offer me the most creative freedom as an artist.

For the realization of these reconstructions, a main volume of polyurethane with an internal steel frame is used.
This is covered, depending on the nature of the animal, with different resins, feathers or synthetic fibers.
The result to be obtained must be a tangible image of these ancient ways of life, which allows us to feel among them.
The process is laborious, but the result is gratifying.
We attempt maximum fidelity and realism in our works so that the viewer can enjoy an experience as close as possible to that of being in front of the original living being.